
How I keep my newborn’s clothes clean and scent-free

Esther Lee, mom of a toddler and a newborn, tackles the inevitable—and ever-growing—laundry load, putting Arm & Hammer Baby Detergent to the test

By Esther Lee, This Wild Heart

How I keep my newborn’s clothes clean and scent-free

I never really believed parents when they said how much laundry needs to be done with kids around, especially newborns. All the messy accidents, blowouts, spit up and of course—in my case—my loving toddler giving his sister all the smooches right after he’s eaten a bunch of strawberries, which not only stains his clothes but hers too in the process. On top of that, our clothes get stained just from being touched by our kiddos after a meal, snack time or even during play time! Needless to say, there is always laundry to be done.

One thing that hasn’t changed since having our newborn, Nora, is that we always separate their laundry from ours. We did that for Miles and continue to do so for Nora. This is because baby’s skin tends to be sensitive, along with their sense of smell. I actually put my nursing clothes in with Nora’s load because she’s constantly in contact with me, whether it be my nursing bras or clothes, and I don’t want to risk irritating her sensitive skin.

How I keep my newborn’s clothes clean and scent-free

With loads of laundry to be done, I put the new Arm and Hammer Baby laundry detergent to the test! First off, what catches my eye as a mom is that it reads “Gentle on Skin.” It also indicates that it’s hypoallergenic and free of dye and perfume. To me, that means sensitive enough for my baby’s skin. Of course, those are always things to look for in baby detergent, but does it actually have cleaning power?! I had to give it a try for myself.

After testing several loads of laundry (I’ve probably done more by the time you read this), I was very impressed! I tried my first load with blowouts, spit up and spilt milk on my nursing bras in the mix. I didn’t spray anything onto the stains prior to putting them in the wash and used more detergent for heavily soiled loads. I examined every piece that came out of that load and all the stains that disappeared! This wasn’t a load of soiled clothes that had fresh stains either, they’ve been in the laundry bin for a few days at least. Every single stain I was concerned about was nowhere to be found! As a good reviewer would do, I tested it out over multiple loads (even some with my toddlers’ clothes just for fun), and it always came out with the same result: clean, non-scented clothes, burp cloths and swaddles out of every load!

I’m totally sold on the Arm and Hammer Baby laundry detergent. I think that it works wonders, possibly because of its secret ingredient, baking soda. Nora’s clothes are clean, fresh and unscented every single time. I’m completely satisfied and glad I don’t have to redo loads because who has time for that anyway?!

*This post has been sponsored by Arm and Hammer but opinions are my own.

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