Not sure how to potty train your toddler? From the best methods to the pros and cons of rewards, here’s how to manage the switch from diapers to underwear.
The butt wipe is the last step before total toilet independence, but you may need these tips to cross the finish line once and for all.
Ruba Hassan
One mom shares the highs and lows of toilet training her toddler over a long weekend, boot-camp style. Find out how it worked.
Caroline Starr
Potty training is tough. These toddler-room teachers shared their tips for making potty training easier.
Today's Parent
Teaching your kids how to wipe their own bum is the last hurdle in potty training, and this teacher's hack will make it a breeze
Kevin John Siazon
"It wasn’t until I woke up to poo smeared all over the couch, that I really started to panic about our upcoming road trip."
Risa Kerslake