Trying to conceive

5 Signs You're Ovulating Right Now (or will be soon)

Unsure about how to tell when you're ovulating? Here are the signs of ovulation to detect when that magical window of opportunity has arrived.

By Today's Parent

egg representing ovulation signs

So you’re ready to take the plunge into parenthoodcongratulations! You’re probably finding the prospect super-exciting and super-scary, in almost equal measures. But how do you know when the time is ripe for conception? You're going to have to get your timing right.

The five days leading up to and including ovulation are your most fertile–sperm can live for a few days and will hang around waiting for an egg to be released; by contrast, your egg will only last for 24 hours, so once you’ve ovulated the window of opportunity is smaller.

But what are the actual signs of ovulation? Here’s how to tell and increase your chances of fertilization:

Signs of ovulation #1: Calendar

You ovulate about 14 days before the start of your period. Counting the first day of your period as day 1, women with regular 28-day cycles ovulate on day 14. But if you have, say, a cycle lasting 32 or 35 days it’s going to be more like day 18. And if your cycles are really irregular, the calendar is not going to be much help at all.

Want a shortcut? Try an online ovulation predictor. This helps time and track all your symptoms of ovulation with ease.

Signs of ovulation #2: Discharge

For some women this is a reliable, simple sign. As you get close to ovulation, your cervical mucus will become copious, clear and slippery—like egg whites. It stretches between your fingers. Once your discharge becomes scant and sticky again, ovulation is over.

Some women also report mild breast tenderness around this fertile window time. Pay attention to your body each month and start to track noticeable changes and symptoms.

Signs of ovulation #3: Basal body temperature (BBT) 

This is a bit fussy, but can be useful to figure out your own unique cycle. You need to take your temperature before getting out of bed each morning with a basal thermometer and then note it on a chart or regular piece of paper (more on that here).

Changing hormone levels lead to a spike in temperature as you approach ovulation. You are most fertile on the day of the spike and the days leading up to it.

The obvious problem: You don’t know you’ve peaked until you see the drop, and by then time is running out. The records you keep this month will help you identify your ovulation pattern plan for your next cycle.

Signs of ovulation sign #4: That annoying pain

About one in five women have pelvic discomfort when they ovulate—anything from a dull ache that lasts a day or two to a sharp twinge. While this won't help you predict ovulation (you'll be smack dab in the middle of it), it'll certainly give you several hours to work with if you're committed to baby-making activities.

Ovulation pains are rarely overwhelming and can range from a subtle twinge to a distinct ache-like sensation in your lower abdomen.

Signs of ovulation sign #5: An ovulation predictor kit

Still can’t tell when your ovulation occurs? Over-the-counter ovulation kits use urine or your saliva to identify hormone surges that signal ovulation. We have a few favorites for tracking ovulation in a more clinical way.

Now imagine us sprinkling baby dust on you as you await a positive result from your home ovulation test kit.

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This article was originally published on Jun 10, 2019

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